If a member of your family died or suffers from a permanent disability
such as paralysis or brain damage due to a stroke
Contact us for a Free Attorney Consultation at
if a doctor or medical staff
- failed to consider the possiblity of a stroke when the patient
complained of symptoms consistent with a stroke;
- failed to order appropriate tests to determine whether the
symptoms were due to an impending stroke; or
- failed to recommend appropriate treatment options for a stroke
Please be sure to include your name and a telephone number where we can reach you.
What is a Stroke
A stroke is a condition which occurs when the
supply of blood to a part of the brain becomes
restricted. This results in the deprivation
of oxygen and nutrients to the brain which can
lead to brain damage.
Facts & Figures
- Strokes are a leading cause of deaths
- Approximately 140,000 deaths will
result from a stroke
- Strokes are a major cause of paralysis and
brain damage
- Strokes affect both men and women
What Causes a Stroke
The most common causes depend on the type of stroke:
- Ischemic Strokes account for nearly 90 percent of
all strokes
and involve the blockage or narrowing of arteries
to the brain. The two types of
ischemic strokes are:
- Thrombotic Strokes result from a blood
clot (thrombus) in one of the arteries
supplying blood to the brain. This is
often caused by atherossclerosis
(the build up of plaque
in the arteries) and
- Embolic Strokes result when a clot or
other form of debris from another organ
becomes lodged in an artery
supplying blood to the brain.
- Hemorrhagic Strokes involve the rupture or leaking
of a blood vessel in the brain. The two types of
ischemic strokes are:
- Intracerebral Hemorrhages result when a blood
vessel bursts spiling into the surrounding brain
tissue. This is most often caused by uncontrolled
high blood pressure and
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhages result when the
bleeding of an artery at or near the surface
of the brain spills into the space between
the brain and the skull. This is often caused
by the rupture of an aneurysm.
Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke
There are various signs and symptoms that may
indicate a patient may be suffering from a stroke.
These signs and symptoms include:
- Paralysis or numbness to one side of the face
or body.
- Severe headache.
- Highly elevated blood pressure.
- A sudden change in, or loss of, vision.
- Slurred speech.
- Difficulty speaking, finding words, or
recognizing speech.
- Sudden difficulty walking
- Sudden lack of coordination or balance
- lightheadedness or fainting
There are also several risk factors for having a stroke
including but not limited to a personal or family
history of stroke, heart
attack or transiant ischemic attack (a mini stroke);
age; smoking; high cholesterol levels;
high blood pressure; diabetes; overweight; cardiovascular
disease; birth control and hormonal therapies that include
estrogen; and certain drugs like cocaine.
Diagnosing a Stroke
Immediate diagnosis is crucial. Any delay in diagosis
or treatment can result in the death of the patient.
Upon taking a history and performing a physical examination
the doctor will check for:
- elevated blood pressure,
- an abnormality in your heart beat,
- bruit over your cartoid (neck) arteries, and
- clots in the blood vessels at the back of your eyes
Diagnostic Procedures
When a patient presents with symptoms that could be the
result of a myocardial infarction, a physician should
immediately order a number of diagnostic procedures to
rule out the possibility of a stroke. diagnostic
procedures include laboratory studies such as:
Blood tests to check:
- how quickly your blood clots
- your sugar levels
- infection
- other critical blood levels
In addition to laboratory studies, the physician may also
order imaging studies that can help identify the presence
of abnormalities or complications resulting from a stroke.
Possible imaging studies include:
- CT Angiogram
Checks for evidence of an aneurysm, an arteriovenous
malformation, hemorrhages, and narrowing of the
Looks for evidence of damage to brain tissue by
an ischemic stroke
- Cartoid Ultrasound
Checks for clotting or narrowing of the cartoid
- Arteriography
Checks the arteries
- Echocardiography
Examines the heart for clots that can travel
to the brain
Treatment for a Stroke
Once a patient has been diagnosed as suffering from a
the patient should receive immediate treatment. Emergency
depends on the type of stroke and may include:
- For an Ischemic Stroke
- Clot busting medication such as aspirin or
TPA (tissue plasminogen activator) administered
via an intravenous injection or through a
catheter directly to the brain
- Mechanical clot removal via a catheter
- Cartoid endarterectomy to remove plaque from
the cartoid arteries
- Angioplasty and stents to open up clogged or
narrowed arteries
- For a Hemorrhagic Stroke
- Emergency measures to control and reduce
bleeding and reduce pressure to the brain
- Surgery
- Medication to reduce blood pressure
- Surgical intervention such as aneurysm
clipping, aneurysm embolization, or the
removal of an arteriovenous malformation
If emergency treatment is effective the patient will
eventually receive recovery and rehabilitation
treatment targeted to the effects of the stroke.
Treatment may be managed by a team of doctors and
specialists that can include a neurologist, a physiatrist,
a speech therapost, an occupational therapist, a
psychologist or psychiatrist, and a social worker, among
others. Recovery and rehabilitation treatment
modalities might include but are not limited to
speech therapy, physical therapy,
and occupational therapy.
Prognosis for Patients after a Stroke
Although the prognosis for patients after a
stroke depends on a number of factors, the timing
and nature of intervention, the success of the
intervention, and the post strplr
management are critical. A delay in diagnosis and
treatment, as well as any inappropriate or
counterindicated treatment, can result in
the death of the patient or a permanent disability
such as paralysis or
brain damage .
Legal Options
If someone you love has died or suffers from a
permanent disability such as paralysis or brain
damage because a doctor or other
health care professional failed to diagnose
an impending
stroke and failed to provide
appropriate treatment, you should immediately
contact a competent attorney. The attorney will work
with you to determine whteher there may a medical
malpractice claim resulting from the failure to
diagnose or provide appropriate treatment.
Call or email for a Free Attorney Consultation
Law Office of Joseph A. Hernandez, P.C.
Phone: (781) 461-9400
Toll Free: (866) 461-9400
Please be sure to include your name and a telephone number where we can reach you.
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